Change of Use | Change of Occupancy

Depending upon the scenario an owner may be considering, Bacon Lane Architect LLC can support the process. Whether submitting an application for a “change of use” for a simple adaptive reuse, or diligence and feasibility for a proposed business and building, or for a more in depth renovation project requiring a change of use, Bacon Lane Architect LLC can provide the professional assistance required.

Building Design | Applying Bacon Lane Architect LLC’s Experience

Bacon Lane Architect LLC is working with CDOT to implement a new building prototype for a Vehicle Storage and Maintenance Facility to be constructed in the small town of Kittridge in the foothills west of States. The building incorporates features that will make it a cost effective project from initial costs through the long term (life cycle) operating costs that will result in a more durable structure with a long efficient and high performing service life.